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Troubleshoot items not visible on your Square Online site

This article provides advanced troubleshooting for items not visible on your Square Online site. Most issues can be resolved with the suggested troubleshooting steps below.

Before you begin

If your items display as Unavailable or don’t appear at all on your Square Online site, there are a few things to consider that could be the cause. Items in your library may be missing required information, or may not be assigned correctly to your online site.

The steps below are listed in order of least to most time intensive. If the first step solves the issue, there is no need to continue troubleshooting. If the issue is not resolved, follow the instructions in sequential order.

Step 1: Add missing prices to item variations

  1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard > Tap Items > Item Library, select an existing item.

  2. Add your prices in the Variations section.

  3. Select Save.

Step 2: Assign items to your site for purchase

  1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard > Tap Items > Item Library, select an existing item.

  2. Under Where it's sold, use the toggles to determine which websites the item should be assigned to, then use the Site visibility dropdown menu to set the visibility of the item to Available or Hidden.

  3. Select Save.

Step 3: Item stock not listed or tracked

  1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard > Tap Items > Item Library, select an existing item.

  2. Select Manage stock in the Variations section.

  3. In the popup window, toggle on Tracking.

  4. Select a restocking preference to update from the Select reason dropdown menu.

  5. Enter a number to manage the stock and select Done.

  6. Select Save.

Step 4: Pickup and delivery hours not defined

  1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard > Account & Settings page and go to Fulfillment > Pickup & Delivery.

  2. Select Edit by your location and edit the hours under Fulfillment Hours.

  3. Select Save.

Step 5: Location not visible for pickup and delivery

  1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard > Account & Settings page, go to Fulfillment > Pickup & Delivery.

  2. Select Edit by your location and go to Site visibility to choose which sites each location is visible on.

  3. Select Save.

Step 6: Unavailable items at mobile locations

  1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard > Account & Settings page, go to Business information > Locations.

  2. Select your mobile location.

  3. Change the Location type to Physical location.

  4. Select Save.

Step 7: Featured items missing

  1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard, select the section with featured items on it.

  2. Select the button in the editing panel to choose your items and check all the items you want to feature in the section.

  3. Select Save.

  4. Publish your site to see the changes live.

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