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Manage Square Invoices Online

With Square Invoices, you can send digital invoices, recurring series or estimates from anywhere via email or text message, or manually. You can track which invoices are paid and unpaid, send reminders, accept payments and configure your invoice settings, all in real time.

There are several actions you can take in the Invoices section of your online Square Dashboard to help you better manage your invoices.

Edit, Cancel or Archive Invoices

Edit an Invoice

  1. Go to Invoices in your online Square Dashboard.
  2. Click ••• next to the desired invoice.
  3. Click Edit to update the invoice details.

Cancel an Invoice

To cancel an invoice:

  1. Select the invoice and click ••• > Cancel.
  2. Choose to notify recipients that their invoice was canceled, then click Cancel invoice.

Note: This action cannot be undone.

To cancel a recurring invoices series:

  1. Select the invoice.
  2. Click ••• > End series > Confirm.

Once confirmed, no future invoices will be sent from this series. Any outstanding invoices still apply.

If an invoice has already been paid, you can’t cancel or delete it from your payment history, but you can issue a refund to balance your books. When you issue a refund for an invoice sold with a decimal quantity, you will need to refund the entire item.

For your protection, Square can occasionally cancel an invoice if there have been too many failed attempts to pay it. You may duplicate the canceled invoice and send it to your customer again. Verify your customer’s identity since the transactions have been declined by the card issuer, not Square. Learn more about potential scams and how to accept payment cards safely.

Archive an Invoice

You can move invoices, including those canceled and unpaid, into a separate archive to help you stay organized and hide older or less relevant invoices. To do so, click ••• next to the desired invoice then click Archive.

To view all archived invoices, click All invoices, and select Archive from the dropdown menu.

Note: Archiving an invoice will not affect reporting metrics or reminders set for that invoice.

Filter Invoices

Filter and view invoices by status from your online Square Dashboard and the Square Point of Sale app. Filters include:

Filter Description
Sent Unpaid, overdue, paid, refunded, cancelled and failed invoices
Outstanding Unpaid, overdue and undelivered invoices
Paid All invoices that are paid or fully or partially refunded
Payment Pending A temporary status applied to an invoice that is in the process of being paid.
Scheduled Includes the next recurring invoice instances that have not been sent, as well as normal scheduled invoices.
Drafts Drafted invoices that have yet to be sent or scheduled
Recurring Invoice Filter Description
Active Active recurring series with scheduled invoices
Ended Recurring series with all scheduled invoices sent, or a series that has been manually ended
Drafts Drafted recurring invoices that have yet to be sent or scheduled

Other filters include

  • Customer Name
  • Customer Phone Number
  • Customer Email Address
  • Customer Billing Address
  • Customer Company Name
  • Invoice ID
  • Invoice Title
  • Invoice Message
  • Line Item Names

Invoices Settings

You can manage certain Invoice settings from your online Square Dashboard or Square Invoices app.


With Square Invoices Plus, you can customize your invoices with invoice templates or set a default template to use when creating a new invoice. Invoice templates automatically fill in your invoice information. With each unique template, you can:

  • Customize basic details: Add an invoice title and message that will be visible to your customer.
  • Save a default custom message: Add your terms of service, cancellation policy, return policy or any other personalized message to your customized invoice in the Message field.
  • Choose your payment settings: Pick your default payment settings for your invoices, such as setting your accepted payment methods, using a card on file with a Square Invoice and adding a tipping option.
  • Add item-level notes: Add your item, select Customize and go to the Note section. Be sure to hit Save once you’ve selected your price point and taxes and added your note.
  • Share your invoice: Choose how you’ll send your invoice to your customers – via email or manually. You can also schedule payment reminders to be sent to your customer.
  • Add custom fields: You can add a custom field – such as terms of service, cancellation policy, return policy or a personalized message – to your invoice and choose its placement within the template.

Invoice Management

You can manage your invoice branding, inventory management and Team Management settings from your online Square Dashboard.

If you’re using any Staff products, you can also give your team members access to creating invoices online. To do so, make sure the Invoices access permission is enabled.

Estimate Settings

Adjust the default settings for new estimates – you can modify the title, message, delivery method or send and expire settings. These settings can be overridden on individual estimates.

Notification Settings

Under Notifications, you can choose to receive an in-app notification or email every time an invoice or estimate is viewed, sent, updated, paid or cancelled, as well as when an invoice reminder is sent.

Note: All settings modified from your online Square Dashboard will also be reflected in your mobile devices. Only accounts with Owner and Administrator permissions will receive email and push notifications.

Record an Invoice Payment

From Square Dashboard

  1. Go to Invoices in your online Square Dashboard.
  2. Select ••• > Take a payment.
  3. Add an Amount and a Payment method.
  4. Select Charge.

If your customer wants to pay their invoice in person, you can accept payment right through your Square Point of Sale. Learn how to
accept payments for your invoices through the Square Point of Sale app.

From outside of Square

If you receive a payment for an invoice outside of Square Invoices, you can mark the invoice as Paid from your online Square Dashboard. To do so:

  1. Go to Invoices in your online Square Dashboard.
  2. Select the invoice.
  3. Select ••• > Add Payment.
  4. Under Method, select Record payment.
  5. Choose the payment type, then select Confirm.

Note: No processing fees are applied when an invoice is recorded.

Add a Late Fee to an Invoice

You can set up a late fee charge for invoice payments at the time of creating a new invoice. To do so, click Late fee under the invoice’s total amount, and set a percentage or flat rate and grace period.

You can also add a late fee to existing invoices. To do so, click the existing invoice, select the three dots and Edit. From here, follow the same steps as above.

You may remove late fees by clicking the X on the New invoice page to the right of the late fee.

Send and Manage Reminders

To send a reminder or invoice statement:

  1. Click ••• > Reminder.
  2. Add an optional custom message and select up to 10 invoices.
  3. Click Send.

To manage when reminders are sent:

  1. Choose a particular invoice.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Under Communication, click Edit reminders.
    Note: You can also stop reminders from being sent in this section by toggling off Send your customer reminders for this payment request.

View Your Outstanding Invoice Report

From Reports, you can:

  • View a list of customers who have outstanding invoices.

  • View the total amount you are owed across all customers.

  • Filter and search for a specific customer.

  • View how many days each invoice is overdue.

  • Send your customers a reminder to pay the outstanding balance.

  • View a filtered list of outstanding invoices for a particular customer.

This will help you keep track of your cash flow and view who owes you money and how much, all in one place.

You can also download your reports as a CSV file. To do so, select Export and a file will download to your computer.

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