Upload and manage menu images for Square for Franchises
About menu images
Menu images are a key element of a successful business. Adding images also helps improve the ordering experience for your staff and customers. Images are visible on the point of sale when staff are ringing up customers, and when customers browse on your Square for Franchises website.
You can upload images for the following menu sections:
Item Groups
Before you begin
You can upload images through your Square for Franchises dashboard.
Keep in mind the following requirements and recommendations when uploading images:
Square for Franchises supports the following file types for item images: JPG, JPEG, and PNG.
Images can be up to 2MB.
Recommended image dimensions varies by image type:
Main and Secondary Images:
Square images: 500 x 500 pixels
Rectangular images: 955 x 500 pixels
Cart and Modifier Images: 500 x 500 pixels
Category Icon: 200 x 200 pixels
Upload item images
Sign in to your Square for Franchises Merchant level dashboard, then go to Operations, and select Menu Management.
Select the item, category, item group, or modifier where you want to add images.
Under Item Images, click Upload.
Select an image type from the dropdown menu.
Add an image from your files or from a web address.
Click Save.