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Create an online ordering domain with Square for Franchises

Who is this article for?
  • Sellers with the Square for Franchises Merchant Super Admin role. Set roles in your Square for Franchises dashboard.
  • Square for Franchises subscribers
  • About online ordering domains

    With Square for Franchises, you can create an original domain name for online orders. You can create a link between your domain and the Square for Franchises service. 

    Before you begin

    You can create an online ordering domain from your Square for Franchises dashboard.

    You can only have one active Square for Franchises Domain. The domain and email are used for sending order emails to customers. Records are valid only for three days until approved.

    Create an online ordering domain

    1. Sign in to your Square for Franchises dashboard, then go to General Settings, select Merchant > Domain Settings.

    2. Enter a domain name and select Add Domain.

    3. Set the store for your domain name. You will receive the record for your domain registration tool, where you must make several entries that we will provide you. Enter this data in your domain control panel.

    4. Select Check Status to verify if your domain is working properly.

    5. Choose Domain Destination, the web page the domain should redirect to, by using Location Selector or by entering a specific store.

    6. Set location selector slug. You can manually change the slug for Location Selector URL.

    7. Set your Mail Options for the order confirmation emails sent from your domain. To validate the email, you must add the entries that will be provided to your domain control panel.

    8. Check email status to ensure the email records are set up correctly.

    Understand the customer checkout experience

    For your customers to use the Square for Franchises powered checkout, you first need to have an online ordering domain, existing menu items created, and access to your Square for Franchises dashboard.

    Review checkout options

    With Square for Franchises, your customers can update their order from one checkout page. Checkout page options include:

    • Fulfillment options such as pickup, delivery, or curbside
    • Order fulfillment time
    • Order to table options
    • Pickup or delivery address
    • Add, update, or edit items in the cart
    • Express checkout options such as ApplePay or GooglePay
    • Payment method
    • Gift cards
    • Redeem rewards
    • Tips
    • Order notes

    Review the customer checkout experience

    1. From the Square for Franchises online ordering site, your customer can set up their order by choosing fulfillment options and a pickup time or delivery address.
    2. Once all fulfillment options have been selected, they’ll click Proceed to menu.
    3. From the menu, they choose an item to Add to cart, then click the cart icon to open the My Cart screen and review menu selections.
    4. Under How To Get It, they can review their fulfillment options.
    5. Review other checkout options where applicable, such as discounts, loyalty, and tips.
    6. Once all checkout options have been reviewed, they’ll click Proceed to checkout.

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