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Download and customize the Square Dashboard app

Who is this article for?
Account owners and team members can download the Dashboard app.

About the Dashboard app

The Square Dashboard app provides a unified and customizable look at your business. You can track your business performance, configure your reporting hours, manage labor performance, monitor finances, and manage your team all from your mobile phone.

Before you begin

If you have multiple Square accounts, sign in to the app with the email address and password associated with your primary account. Tap the location pin icon to filter your data between your locations or filter for multiple locations at the same time.

Some features of the Dashboard app aren’t available depending on permissions. Set permissions in Square Dashboard.

The Square Dashboard app is compatible with iOS and Android devices.

If you have multiple Square accounts, sign in to the Dashboard app with the email address and password associated with your primary account. Tap the location pin icon to filter your data between your locations or filter for multiple locations at the same time.

Review menu options


The Home tab gives an overview of your gross sales, key metrics, sales breakdowns reports, and labor performance. Learn how to view sales summary, sales trends, and payment methods reports.


The Reports tab gives an overview of your net sales by item, category, and by employee. Select any of the reports to see more information or to filter the report.

Learn how to View item, category, and modifier sales reports.

Set up the app widget

You can easily access statistics and data about your business with the Dashboard app widget. You can view your gross sales, net sales, transactions, and average sale from your home screen. You can also customize the data timeframe. The widget is only available on iOS devices.

Add the widget to your home screen

  1. From your mobile device, tap and hold the home screen.
  2. Select + to open the widget menu.
  3. In the widget search bar, type “Dashboard app.”
  4. Select the Dashboard app widget icon then swipe left or right to select the widget style. You have the option to show Single data point or Key info with multiple data points displayed.
  5. Select Add Widget.
  6. Drag and drop the widget to the desired location on your screen.
  7. Select Done.

Adjust widget settings

  1. Tap and hold the widget.
  2. Select Edit Widget.
  3. To adjust the time period, select Time Period and select your preferred time range.
  4. To adjust which metrics you see, tap Metrics. If you have the larger version of the widget that shows multiple metric options, select the name of each metric to adjust the view.
  5. To rearrange the order of the metrics in the list, tap and drag the three horizontal lines next to each metric to the desired location.

Customize your app tabs

  1. Open the Dashboard app and select More > Customize.

  2. Select + next to the pages you want to display at the bottom navigation bar.

  3. From the main menu, select - next to the options you want to remove.  

  4. Tap Save.

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