Home>Square Loans FAQs

Information Requested by Square Loans FAQs

If additional information about you or your business is required, we’ll get in touch through your [Square Dashboard] (https://squareup.com/dashboard/loans) and by email. Here, you’ll find steps on how to upload the requested documents.

You can upload the requested documents via the link within your email or on your Square Dashboard. If you did not receive the link in your inbox, check your spam/junk folder.

  1. Log in to your Square Dashboard.

  2. Click on the Bell Icon at the top of the page.

  3. Click > We need more information from you and you’ll see a list of the requested items.

If you are having trouble, please take a look at our browser troubleshooting tips or contact us.

What acceptable documentation can I submit?


If we are requesting additional information about a transaction, you may submit one of the following:

Service contract
Purchase Order
Signed credit card authorisation form
Detailed Receipt
Bill of Sale
Email correspondence with the buyer

If you do not have any of the above, please provide a detailed description of the goods and/or services sold.

Related FAQs

Why do I need to submit additional information?

When you apply for a Square loan, certain information as it relates to your identity and/or business will need to be verified. This means that sometimes we require supplemental information in order to proceed with your loan application.

Why do you need this information when I didn’t have to provide it in the past?

There are multiple reasons why you may be required to send in additional information when you didn’t have to previously. One common reason is to verify the business information listed on the application. If additional information is requested, we will need it in order to move forward with processing the loan application.

What if I don’t have all the requested information?

Complete the request in full to the best of your ability. Your loan application will not be reviewed if the request is incomplete. If the submitted information isn’t sufficient, we will be in touch through email and your Square Dashboard.

How long do I have to complete the information request?

You will have until the date specified in the email notification to complete the information request. If you do not provide all of the requested information on time, your application will be cancelled. If that happens, please visit your Square Dashboard to see if you are eligible to apply for another Square loan.

How long does the application review process take?

Once you’ve completed every information request, Square will be able to review your application. You’ll be notified of your application status within one to three working days.

Why haven’t I received a decision after three working days?

Typically, you will be notified of your application status within one to three working days. If you don’t receive a decision within this time frame, it may be because we still need additional information from you. Be sure to check your Square Dashboard and email inbox for any notifications asking you to provide additional information.

Can I upload my documents through my mobile device?

Yes, we support documents uploaded using iOS and Android devices using a supported web browser such as Safari or Google Chrome. If you can’t upload documents using your mobile, try a laptop/desktop computer. Your uploaded documents must be:

  • PDF, JPEG, JPG, TIFF or PNG file format

  • Under 25MB in file size (each).