Add franchisee locations to your Square for Franchises account
About locations
After you set up your Square for Franchises account, you can add new franchise locations in your Square for Franchises dashboard, allowing them to participate in the available features. You can also add and authorise locations of your existing franchisees or import locations from your own organisation.
Before you begin
Only franchisors can invite franchisees to participate. Once you invite franchisees, you can add and authorise the locations from your Square for Franchises dashboard.
Invite a franchisee
Sign in to your Square for Franchises dashboard and click Locations.
Select Addorganisation > InviteFranchisee.
Add the email addresses of the franchisees you would like to invite.
Select Save & send invitation.
The franchisee will receive an email with instructions on how to join the franchise and authorise their locations. They can follow the next steps to complete the invitation.
Open the email from Franchises Admin with the subject line ‘Join the [business name] Franchise on Square’.
Select JoinNow in the email and sign in to their Square account.
The franchisees will receive a separate invitation to activate any subscriptions that your organisation requires.
Select AcceptInvite > GotoSquareDashboard > Activatesubscriptions.
Input your payment method and select Startsubscription.
Import locations
If you have access to a Square account with existing locations, you can import them from Square to your Square for Franchises account.
If you have existing locations, you can import them from Square to your Square for Franchises account.
Sign in to your Square for Franchises dashboard and click General settings > Locations.
Select AddOrganisation > Connect organisation.
Select the locations you want to import.
Select Connect. The locations will import and synchronise with Square for Franchises.