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Create and manage packing instructions with Square for Franchises

Who is this article for?
  • Sellers with the Square for Franchises Store Admin role. Set roles in your Square for Franchises dashboard.
  • Square for Franchises subscribers
  • About packing instructions with Square for Franchises

    Packing instructions let customers personalize their orders by choosing options like adding utensils, buying a bag, or selecting eco-friendly alternatives. These choices appear on an extra page during the checkout process.

    Before you begin

    To enable the packing instructions on your Square for Franchises Dashboard, reach out to your account manager or the Square Support team.

    Packing instructions must be configured at the store-level in your Square for Franchises Dashboard for all locations.

    Add packing instructions

    Step 1: Create packing instructions item

    1. Sign into your Square for Franchises dashboard, and select a location that is not your merchant level location from the drop-down menu.

    2. Go to Operations, and select Menu Management.

    3. Select the Items tab and click Add.

    4. Name the item Packing instructions and click Create.

    Step 2: Create packing instructions category

    1. Go to Operations, and select Menu Management.

    2. Select the Categories tab and click Add.

    3. Name the category Packing instructions and click Create.

    4. Select the new category Packing instructions > ••• > Edit.

    5. Under Connections > Items, select + Add Connection.

    6. Select Packing instructions from the list and click Add.

    7. Click Save.

    Step 3: Create a packing instructions modifier group

    1. Go to Operations, and select Menu Management.

    2. Select the Modifier Groups tab and click Add.

    3. Name the modifier group Options and click Save and add connection.

    4. Add relevant modifiers (e.g., utensils, no utensils).

    5. Click Save.

    Step 4: Attach the modifier group

    1. Select the Items tab, select Packing instructions > ••• > Edit.

    2. Under Connections > Modifier Groups, select + Add Connection.

    3. Select Options from the list and click Add.

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