
Print order tickets with Square for Retail

Who’s this article for?
This article is for retail owners and staff subscribed to Square for Retail Free, Plus or Premium and need to set up order ticket printing. Your team members must have the Full Orders Access permission enabled. Learn more about custom permissions with Square.

About printing order tickets

With Square for Retail, you can easily connect a printer to your device to print order tickets. If you accept pickup orders with the Square Retail POS app on iOS or use Square Online for online orders, you can also automatically print order tickets with fulfilment. Each ticket will include relevant details to help you with managing shipping or pickup orders.

Before you begin

Before you turn on order tickets and automatically print incoming orders, check that your printer is connected to your Square Retail POS app.

Set up order printing

To set up printing for orders created in person and online:

  1. From the Square Retail POS app, tap ≡ More and select Settings > Hardware > Printers.

  2. Select the use types under Use this printer for

  3. If an order requires immediate preparation or customisation for your in-store customer, toggle on In-store order tickets to turn on automatic printing.

  4. If an order requires shipping or pickup and will be fulfilled for a customer at a later time, toggle on Order tickets with fulfilment to turn on automatic printing. 

  5. Select the categories of items you prefer to print and select other options like Single item per ticket or Compact tickets if applicable.

  6. Tap Save.

After the feature is turned on, new orders will automatically print from your supported printing device. Any new orders will also be highlighted green in the Orders section of your online Square Dashboard and in your Square Retail POS app to differentiate from existing orders.

Review Print order tickets for instructions on printing single items per order ticket, compact tickets, and group items on order tickets.

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