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Pay Invoices with Square

If you receive an invoice or estimate from a Square seller, you can pay it online using:

Note: Payment options may vary by Square seller. If you have questions about payment methods, reach out to the seller.

Pay with Card

Invoices can be paid with any supported card. You can also pay using digital wallets, such as Apple Pay or Google Pay.

To pay an invoice using card

  1. From your invoice notification, select Pay Invoice.
  2. Select Pay by card. If you’re using a digital wallet, select Buy with G Pay or Buy with Apple Pay.
  3. Fill in the required information, including name on card, card number, expiry month and year (MM/YY) and card security code.
  4. Click Pay.

Pay by Square Gift Card

You can pay with a physical or electronic Square gift card associated with the business invoicing you.

To pay an invoice using a gift card

  1. From your invoice notification, select Pay Invoice.
  2. Select Pay by gift card. Note: You can select Check balance before proceeding in order to check the balance of the gift card being used.
  3. Enter the full gift card number.
  4. Enter the amount you want to pay. Note: The amount entered can not exceed the balance of the gift card.
  5. Enter the delivery information.
  6. Select Charge.

If you experience any issues with paying a Square Invoice, review these helpful troubleshooting tips.

Note: You can pay for invoices in person if the Square seller is using Square hardware.