
Connect Scales to Square Point of Sale

Connect and troubleshoot your supported Brecknell 6700U scale with Square Point of Sale.

Before you get started:

Please note that before you can start selling using your Brecknell 6700U Scale with the Point of Sale app, you must set it up in accordance with local regulations. Step-by-step instructions are available on Brecknell's website.

You can can find your certification number and other scale information in More > Settings > Hardware > Scales

Our scale integration in the UK allows weighed items to be sold per gram (g) or kilogram (kg). You can configure the measurement type of your items in the Items section of Square Point of Sale or Dashboard.

When a scale is connected, a pop-up box showing the unit total and price will appear for two seconds when items are added to basket.

Note: The Brecknell 6700U scale is not supported with Square for Retail, Square for Restaurants, Square Invoices and Square Appointments apps.

Supported Hardware

The Brecknell 6700U scale is compatible with:

Hardware Compatibility
Square Stand* ✔️
Square Terminal with Hub ✖️
Square Register ✔️
Android with Square Reader ✔️
iOS with Square Reader ✖️

*Brecknell 6710U is supported with the following Square Stands:

  • Square Stand (2nd generation) for iPad (2021, 2020, 2019), 10.5” iPad Air (2019), iPad Pro 10.5” -> USB cable required.

  • Square Stand (1st generation) for iPad (2021, 2020, 2019), 10.5” iPad Air (2019), iPad Pro 10.5” -> USB cable required.

  • Square Stand (1st generation) for iPad (2017, 2018), iPad Pro 9.7” and iPad Air (1, 2) -> USB Cable and Scale adapter required.

Not sure which Square Stand model you have? Learn how to identify your Square Stand Model. For a list of all compatible hardware by device, check out our supported third-party hardware accessories.

Connect your USB Scale

What you need for Square Stand

For Square Stand, a successful connection requires the following:

*Square Stand cable can be purchased through Square Shop. If you purchase the Brecknell 6700U scale for your Square Stand model from Square Shop, the cable is included.

Connect your Square Stand

To connect the Brecknell 6700U scale to your iOS device:

  1. For iPads with Square Stand, you’ll need the right cable depending on your Square Stand model sold separately on Square Shop.
  2. Plug in the nine-pin male end of the USB cable into the port on your scale. To keep the adaptor firmly connected, twist the security screws into place.
  3. Plug the Micro-USB end of the cable into the adaptor, and plug the USB-A side of the cable into your scale.

To check the connection of your scale:

  1. Open the Square Point of Sale app and tap ≡ More.
  2. Tap Settings > Hardware > Scales.
  3. The connected scale should appear in the app menu as USB Scale. If you do not see the scale name appear under Settings, please check the connection between your scale and relevant cables or accessories. Keep in mind your Square Point of Sale app can only connect to one scale at a time.

To disconnect the scale, just unplug the scale’s cable from your device.

What you need for Square Terminal and Android

Square Terminal doesn’t support scales. For Android, a successful connection requires the following:

  • The correct USB cable can be purchased through Square Shop
  • Make sure the minimum side length of your Android device is 88mm. Otherwise, scales can’t be connected to that particular Android device. This minimum side length requirement does not apply to Square Register.

Connect to Android

To connect the Brecknell 6700U scale to your Android device (including supported mobile devices and Square Register):

  1. Plug the nine-pin male end of the serial USB cable into the port on your scale, and insert the USB-A male side into the hub for your Android device.
  2. To check the connection, open the Square Point of Sale app and tap ≡ More on the navigation bar.
  3. Tap Settings > Hardware > Scales.
  4. To check the connection, open the Square Point of Sale app and tap the three horizontal lines.
  5. The connected scale should appear in the app menu as USB Scale. Keep in mind that your Square Point of Sale app can only connect to one scale at a time.

Unpair Scale

To disconnect the scale, simply unplug the scale’s cable from your device.

Troubleshoot your USB Scale

  • Confirm that you’re using the Brecknell 6700U Scale with supported iPads with Square Stand, Square Register or an Android smartphone or tablet.

  • Make sure your Square app is up to date. The latest version of the Square app for Android is required to connect to the scale.

  • Ensure that you’ve correctly set up Items to sell by weight.

  • Check that you have a secure connection between your scale, cables, adaptors and any additional connected accessories.

  • Make sure that you’re using the correct cables for your scale. The cable is included in the scale if you purchased it from the Square Shop, but if you need a replacement, purchase a USB cable for your device via Square Shop.