
Create and manage taxes for Square for Franchises

À qui s’adresse cet article?
  • Aux vendeurs avec les rôles de super administrateur commerçant et d’administrateur de commerce de Square pour franchises. Définissez des rôles dans votre tableau de bord Square pour franchises.
  • Aux abonnés de Square pour franchises qui utilisent la commande en ligne ou l'application.
  • About tax settings

    With Square for Franchises, you can apply taxes to your online orders, and create custom taxes with specific rules. 

    Before you begin

    You can set all taxes through your Square for Franchises Dashboard. You can import taxes currently available in your Square Dashboard.

    Create taxes

    1. Sign in to your Tableau de bord Square pour les franchises, and select a location that is not your merchant level location from the drop-down menu. 

    2. Go to Operations and select Menu Management.

    3. Select the Taxes tab.

    4. Click Add.

    5. Search for an existing tax in Square by looking it up by its title or GUID, or create a new tax by adding a name and tax percentage.

    6. Toggle on Apply to Menu.

    7. Click Save.

    Delete taxes

    In absence of an applicable tax, a default value will apply to all qualifying items.

    1. Sign in to your Tableau de bord Square pour les franchises, and select a location that is not your merchant level location from the drop-down menu. 

    2. Go to Operations and select Menu Management.

    3. Select the Taxes tab.

    4. Select a tax and click ••• then Delete.

    5. Click Delete.

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