
Set up inventory tracking for Square Invoices

Who is this article for?
  • Sellers with general items and inventory permissions. Set permissions in the Square Dashboard.
  • Square for Retail Plus, and Premium subscribers.
  • About inventory tracking

    Invoices Inventory Management allows variation availability counts—also known as "committed stock"—at selected locations to automatically decrease once an invoice is paid. This helps prevent overselling stock prior to the customer paying the invoice.

    With Square for Retail Plus, you can set up inventory tracking by default for any item variations created by you or your team members through your Square Dashboard, Square Retail POS app or Square Online.

    Before you begin

    • Enabling inventory tracking for Square Invoices is only available on Square Dashboard.

    • Make sure that the inventory tracking setting is enabled for any items you want to use with this feature. Learn how to set up inventory tracking.

    Set up inventory tracking for Square Invoices

    Making a stock commitment will adjust the available to sell amount, but the stock on hand won't update until the invoice has been paid.

    1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and click Items & orders > Items > Settings > Inventory.

    2. Toggle on Adjust inventory levels through invoices.

    3. Choose applicable locations or select All locations.

    4. Click Save.

    Once the inventory tracking for Square Invoices is enabled, when creating a new invoice, you will receive a warning if you do not have enough inventory available to sell.

    Identify stock committed to invoice orders

    Committed stock will show two values within your item library from your Square Dashboard, or by clicking on the selected item from the Square apps and devices: 

    • Stock: shows how much stock is available.

    • Available to sell: shows your stock on hand count. 

    You can identify which invoices or Square Online orders are attached to committed stock.

    Square Dashboard

    1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and click Items & orders > Items.
    2. Find the relevant item in your Item library and click the stock number under the Available to sell column.
    3. Click Committed.
    4. Click into the listed invoices to see what stock has been committed to each order.

    Square POS apps and devices

    Items with no variations

    1. Open the Square app and tap ≡ More.
    2. Tap Items > All items.
    3. Tap the relevant item from the list.
    4. Under the Price and inventory section, tap the stock number next to Available to sell.
    5. Tap Committed.
    6. Review the listed invoices to see what stock has been committed to each order.

    Items with variations

    1. Open the Square app and tap ≡ More.
    2. Tap Items > All items.
    3. Select the relevant item from the list.
    4. Select the relevant variation.
    5. Tap the stock number next to Available to sell.
    6. Tap Committed.
    7. Review the listed invoices to see what stock has been committed to each order.

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