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Manage vendors with Square for Retail

Who is this article for?
This article is for business owners who want to add, update information for and deactivate vendors in their vendor list. This is a feature available with Square for Retail Plus.

About managing vendors

With Square for Retail Plus, you can create, import, edit and deactivate your vendor list, send and receive purchase orders from your Square Dashboard.

Before you begin

Vendor management is only available with a subscription to Square for Retail. If you don’t have a subscription, you can sign up for a free 30 day trial.

When you add a vendor code to an item, you can search your item library by vendor code using:

  • Search Bar: Enter the vendor code in the search bar at the top of your item library.

  • Column Filter: Click (+) to add vendor codes to your item library columns.

Vendor management also allows you to enter both SKUs and vendor codes. SKUs help you search and build your cart from the Square Retail POS app, as well as streamline inventory intake. Including both SKUs and vendor codes for an item will help you match the items in your library with the codes vendors use to identify their products. If a vendor code includes a barcode, you can Add Stock from the Square Retail POS app for received orders by scanning the vendor code directly.

Create vendors

Set up your vendor list to help you keep track of purchasing and organize your cost with Square for Retail. There are a few places you can add a new vendor to your account.

From your online Square Dashboard

  1. Log in to your online Square Dashboard, go to Items & orders > Items > Inventory Management.
  2. Click Vendors > Create Vendor.
  3. Enter details about your vendor, then click Save.

Via item creation

  1. Log in to your online Square Dashboard and go to Items & orders > Items > Item Library.
  2. Select Create an Item.
  3. Under “Variations,” click Add vendor.
  4. Add the vendor’s name, cost and vendor code for the individual item.
  5. Click Save.

Via purchase order

You can create a new vendor on the spot when you make a Purchase Order.

  1. Go to Items & orders > Items > Inventory Management from your online Square Dashboard.
  2. Click Purchase Orders.
  3. Click Create.
  4. Select an existing vendor or create a new vendor by typing in the new vendor’s name and pressing Enter or Return on your keyboard.
  5. Fill out the rest of the order and item information, then click Create.

Edit, filter and deactivate vendors

Bulk import vendors

You can add a default vendor to multiple items quickly and easily by bulk importing an Excel or CSV file from your item library. To do so:

  1. From your Square Dashboard, go to Items & orders > Items > Item library.
  2. Click Actions > Export library. If no inventory currently exists, you can select the download template.
  3. Open the “catalog-YYYY-MM-DD-XXXX.xlsx or .csv” file saved to your computer using Excel (XLSX) or another spreadsheet program.
  4. Add the applicable vendor for each item in the “Default Vendor Name” column. You can copy and paste an existing vendor name to update the default vendor associated with an item variation, or create a new vendor on the spot.
  5. Save the edited Excel (XLSX) or .csv file to your computer.
  6. Go back to your item library.
  7. Click Actions > Import library.
  8. Drag and drop the file or click browse file to manually select.
  9. Click Next to add new items and update existing items or select Overwrite entire item library to delete all existing items and replace them with your uploaded items. Click Next.
  10. Correct any columns on the Sync data page, then click Next.
  11. Review your changes and click Confirm Import to upload your new item library.

If the vendor name is removed from a cell, it will delete the associated vendor for the item.

Edit vendor specific item library

When you create a purchase order with a vendor, the items added to the order will automatically list under the Item Library in their vendor profile. If you’d like to update or edit the vendor-specific item library:

  1. From your Square Dashboard, go to Inventory management > Vendor.
  2. Click on the vendor’s name.
  3. Select Item Library at the top of their profile.
  4. From here you can edit the unit cost or vendor code for each price point.

Filter by vendor

When you filter your item library by vendor, only items supplied by or associated with a specific vendor will appear:

  1. From your Square Dashboard, go to Items & orders > Items > Item library.
  2. Click on the All Vendors drop-down menu.
  3. Select a vendor to filter by.

Note: To view items in your library without an associated vendor, select Missing Vendors.

Deactivate a vendor

Deactivating a vendor will remove them from your recipient list when creating a purchase order. Learn more about how to manage purchase orders with Square for Retail.

  1. From your Square Dashboard, go to Items & orders > Items > Inventory management > Vendors.
  2. Next to the vendor, click ••• then click Deactivate. Alternatively, click on the vendor profile then click Deactivate vendor.
  3. Click Deactivate vendor again to confirm.

Inactive vendors will not be available when creating a purchase order and managing unit costs on items. If you choose to use this vendor again, you can always reactivate them.

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