
Item status badges for Square Online items

Note: Display additional item status badges by upgrading your Square Online site.

You can display badges on items throughout your Square Online site that show your customers stock, sale and other critical item information at a glance. Status badges can also be customised to match your site design, creating an easy and seamless shopping experience for anyone visiting your online store.

Enable badges

To enable badges for your site items:

  1. From your Square Online Overview page, go to Items > Item Preferences or Shared Settings > Item Preferences.

  2. Under ‘Item statuses’, select Edit to choose your badge options.

    • Toggle on Sale indicator to display a badge on items that are on sale.

    • Toggle on Low inventory indicator to display when an item’s inventory drops below your specified quantity. Be sure to enter a quantity of two or above.

    • Toggle on Out of stock indicator to display a badge on out of stock items. If you opt to display your out of stock items, you can select Out of stock indicator to display when an item’s stock drops to zero.

  3. Select Save when finished.

You can also automatically display pre-order or discount badges when setting up pre-orders and discounts from your Square Item Library.

Customise badges

To customise the design of your item status badges:

  1. From your Square Dashboard, select Site design.

  2. Under Site elements, select Badges.

  3. Choose a colour, shape and the text to be displayed on your Primary, Secondary and Tertiary badges.

  4. Select Item badge styles to apply the styles you’ve created to each of your enabled badge types. You can also change the position of your badges on individual pages to display below or above text or on your images.

  5. Publish your site to see the changes live.

Learn more about designing and customising your Square Online site for more information on all of your site design options.

Live experience

You won’t see the badges on your website unless you have at least one item that either:

  • has a sale price

  • has an inventory count of your specified quantity or less

  • is sold out

  • is available for pre-order

  • is discounted.

If you’ve manually marked an item as out of stock, it will automatically sync and display on your website, even if the sold out item status is disabled. This lets customers know that the item isn’t available and prevents them from adding it to their cart.

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