Transaction Search
Square’s transaction search allows you to search for credit or debit card charges made using the Square app.
You can search transactions by:
Tapping the customer's original payment card directly on Square hardware (to filter card transactions paid to your business)
Customer information (name, phone number, email)
Credit or debit card number used in the transaction (using the last 4 digits of the customer's card)
Receipt ID (located at the bottom of the receipt sent)
Item or ticket name
Item, bill, tender or ticket note
Device name
Note: Related transactions within the last year of the search date will be listed in your search results.
Search for a transaction in the Square app
From the navigation menu, tap Transactions > Search.
Tap the customer's original payment card onto your Square hardware. Alternatively, enter a search by card, phone, name, receipt, notes, or item.
If multiple transactions appear in the search results, tap the filter icon to the right to filter by date, dining option, payment method, discount used, receipt total and location.
Tap a transaction to view more details or issue a new receipt or refund a transaction.
Search for a transaction on your online Square Dashboard
Go to Transactions on your online Square Dashboard.
Click any of the filter drop-down menus to filter by date, payment method, type, status, location, source, team member, risk level, or card number.
Select a transaction to view more details, issue a new receipt or refund a transaction.
Note: Transaction search does not currently support special characters like commas and hyphens.
Search for a transaction as a Square customer
If your customer has a question about a transaction or digital receipt, you can suggest they use our Customise receipts feature to locate the original transaction.